What are the jobs of the future? Take the test or browse by categories to find out

Wanter is a free vocational guidance platform where girls and boys can find out about the professions that are going to top the list in the coming years, learn about the required skills and studies. Find out which job is most suitable for you!

Successful professionals will present to you more than 100 jobs through short videos and descriptions and will guide you - the new generation, and girls in particular – to find out about the careers and occupations with the largest employment rate.

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Sogni di lavorare con le nuove tecnologie?

Ecco una serie di professioni che potrebbero fare al caso tuo! Non ti resta che esplorarle tutte e trovare quella perfetta per te!

Watch the video to find out about the jobs of the future

Professionals are going to present them to you

Transport Analyst

Analyse traffic conditions relating to means of transport in order to find out solutions and solve related problems

Mental & Life Coach

Professional in personal growth who helps people improve different aspects of their life

Community Manager

Professional who manages and moderates online communities for marketing and brand communication purposes

Energy Manager

Design and manage energy saving systems for companies and public bodies

Natural Language Processing Developer

Expert in human language who develops systems and algorithms to teach artificial intelligence to understand and process human natural language

Data Engineer

Develop big data infrastructures (that is, large amounts of raw data) of a company, design and develop computer algorithms, organize data management on servers and databases

Architect 4.0

Design livable environments using virtual rendering for buildings



Choose the job of the future that is right for you

What job will you be qualified for after school? Every student wonders about the job of their future. With Wanter you can find out more about it. Our test takes only a few minutes and will help you to learn something more about you and your future job. Let’s find out together about the top in-demand and highest-paying jobs of the future and how to choose the right path for you!

The professional sectors and professions of the future

When it comes to business, the most important thing is to be up-to-date and foresee the changes that will occur in order to be able to make the right decisions.

Recent research shows that only one in five workers has a job that will remain in the future and this number is bound to go down. What are the jobs that we will be still performed in 10 years? What are the most profitable professions? Have a look at the different professional fields to find the right job for you! The world is changing at a rapid pace, so is the job market. New jobs are coming up and some are fading away. Are you ready for the future?

Wanter tutti i lavori del futuro